Jan 26, 2012

RUN-ny Nose

Ok ladies …. and Gents (just in case in of my Gays are reading this), I’mmmmm bacccck!
I am sorry I have been M.I.A. lately, but as the title hints, I have had "The Crud". For those of you who are wondering what “The Crud” is….it’s what us Southerners affectionately refer to as being sick. I know, I know, sounds like an STD (gross, right?), but along with the Southern charm comes the Southern dramatics, so give me a break!  Anyway, I have been sick for over a week and I am proud to say that I have officially been drug free for 2 days now! Me and my pharmacist have gotten to know each other realllll well as of late. I am happy to report that even though I am not 100%, I am well on my way to feeling slightly normal again. Bhahaha, I just referred to myself as "normal"...I kid, I kid.
But enough about that, I have more important things to talk about. I mean like... I have decided to run a Half Marathon important! Call me crazy. Call me insane. Just please don’t call me collect ;). Yes, I have made the commitment  and I am officially in week 3 of my 12 week training program. It's gone pretty well up to this point. Except the whole sickness thing that got in the way for a couple of days. But I am proud to say I plowed struggled through several of my workouts even though my body was telling me not to.
 In telling you all this, I forgot to mention one small detail - I HATE TO RUN. I know hate is a strong word, but I mean it. I don't mind the elliptical, or stair climber, or the kick your butt into shape or die classes at my gym, but I hate the R word. Maybe it's because I'm horrible at it. The only thing I am good at running is my mouth!  I run slow, it's boring, it hurts my joints,  and I usually complain and/or curse for the majority of the time. So why torture myself? Well, because I really do want to learn to LOVE it! I have been in the same workout routine for years now, and I am just not seeing the results I want. Let's be honest, my 30 year old body is a little more "resistant" than it used to be. Can I get an Amen? Every time I see an avid runner .... I die a little inside *sigh*. I want their toned body and lean muscles. No, I don't want to be some freak of nature who looks like their idea of a "cheat meal" is 2 pieces of lettuce rather than 1. But my body and workout routine is ready for a change, and darn it, so am I!
 I kind of live by the quote "Go Big - or go home" (seriousy, I even shop with this mentality), so I figure let's just start with 13.1 miles. I have never, ever, ran another race. No 5k, no 10k. The only thing that comes close to my running in a race would be my annual mad dash to catch the greatest sales on Black Friday. Even though that, much like a race, requires much planning and preparation, I am pretty sure it doesn't count. I know this will be a huge challenge, but I am ready for it! Bring it.
 If you are interested in taking a look at the training program I am following, you can find it here. If that sweet little brain of yours is also pondering a Half Marathon, I highly recommend you find a friend to commit to the race as well. I have done so, and it's worked out great. Not only does it hold you accountable, but it makes those long boring runs slightly more bearable. I'm sure you all will be getting plenty of updates complaints over the next 9 weeks, so stay tuned!

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