Dec 30, 2011

Funny Faces

You will soon find from reading this blog that my 6 nieces and nephews are the owners of a very large portion of my heart. One of my greatest joys in life is being an Aunt and this post will provide you with a little insight as to why.

Last night, my Sister and I were texting each other. I recieved a weird response to a question I asked her...something similar to, "hjdkhfjh". I assumed she'd gotten into the wine, but she informed me my niece had gotten ahold of her phone and wanted to play on it. Sooooo me, being the fun, awesome, silly Aunt that I am :), sent this back to her:

Hey Gracie!

This insued an exchange of crazy pics and lots of laughter.

And then I recieve youngest niece, Lilly. Pay close attention to her choice of footwear. I may or may not have a little something to do with her shoe obsession ;)

I am so thankful for the little things and the little people that bring BIG happiness to my life!

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